7 Tips to Help You Actually Enjoy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I love the coming together of family (whether actual or adopted), the sharing of foods, and the practice of expressing gratitude. Since marrying into a Brazilian family I have also loved seeing the different cultural interpretations that families bring to the table—tropical fruits in place of cranberry sauce,…

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The Truth About Family Dinners: What it looks like in our house and simple guidelines that helped to make it better

We all know the benefits of family dinners— less picky eating, lower risk of obesity and eating disorders, higher academic achievement, lower risk of teen pregnancy and substance abuse, the list goes on and on. And we all have that idyllic idea of what it should look like—perfect table manners, no tension, everyone together, beautifully…

5 Ways to Shift to Sustainably Raised “Happy Meat” Without Breaking the Bank
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5 Ways to Shift to Sustainably Raised “Happy Meat” Without Breaking the Bank

  This post was written in honor of Food Day 2015, which is this Saturday, October 24th. What is Food Day? It is a chance for all of us to explore and celebrate healthier and more sustainable food, both with our families and with our larger communities. In other words, it is a cause that is near…

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Cooking Projects for When You’re Homebound

As you have very likely heard, the East Coast is bracing for a weekend full of rain (if not a hurricane), which means many of us will be stuck indoors quite a bit in the coming days. I’m not going to lie, weather events like this and snow days (which hopefully we won’t get too…

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4 Actually Realistic Lunch-Packing Tips

This is the time of year when back-to-school tips and tricks are everywhere. We are bombarded with beautiful pictures of backpacks, lunch boxes, school supplies, organized desks, freezers full of already prepared lunch foods, and the list goes on and on. It is enough to make anyone feel like a complete slacker. And while I…

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Spinach Pesto and the Power of Preparing Foods in New Ways

I am currently co-teaching a cooking class to a group of 6-9 year olds. Our goals have been helping all of the kids to gain confidence in the kitchen, introducing them to new healthy foods, and exploring new foods and food preparations. Over the course of the past weeks we have been working with them…

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The Sibling Factor: The perks and perils of siblings at the dinner table

Twice in the past month my younger son, who is a much more selective eater, has stunned us by happily trying and then falling in love with new vegetables (asparagus and artichokes). They are now two of his go-to requests when I check in with him about meals for the upcoming week. I wish I…