grilled veggies
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5 Ways To Stretch a Meal and Save Money

My oldest son is turning nine (!!) this week and over the past couple of months my husband and I have started to notice a pattern: sometimes there isn’t enough food on the dinner table. We haven’t yet reached the run-to-the-fridge-to-scrounge-up-more-food levels yet, but we have definitely hit the oh-no-there-won’t-be-enough-leftovers-for-lunch-tomorrow levels. The amount that I…

Eggs with Tomatoes
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3 Ways to Let Go of Stress in the Kitchen: Lessons I Learned When I Became the Cooking Student

Last week I had a humbling and wonderful cooking experience that taught me three important lessons that I wanted to share with you. We had the great treat of welcoming an international student, Jing, into our home for part of her Spring Break. It was wonderful to provide a comfortable (I hope!) home for someone…

The Recipe Roundup: What I made, what worked, what didn’t
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The Recipe Roundup: What I made, what worked, what didn’t

As you likely know, more than anything my goal with my business and this blog is to help make cooking accessible. So today I am starting a new feature on the blog that I will offer periodically called: The Recipe Roundup. With this series I want to give you an honest account of what worked…

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Bare Minimum Cooking: 3 Tricks for Easy Meals During Busy Times

Over the past few days I have been having a lot of conversations with people about how overwhelmed they are feeling. I have come to think that for many of us September is a month of unexpected overwhelm. Here’s my best guess as to why September can be so brutal: for many of us September…