Getting Started

This moment is a long time coming.  I am so excited to be launching this blog and my health coaching business!  I can’t wait to share recipes, stories, articles, and all kinds of information that will help people to think differently about how to ease the overcommitted and tired lifestyle that so many of us experience.  I am committed to helping you to change the way you shop, the way you cook, the way you approach food and meals, and the way you balance your life so that you can live a happier, healthier life with more time for your family AND yourself (gasp!).

To be honest, though, this is a moment that I have been very nervous about. This is the moment when I go public and say, “yes, world, yes, I am doing this.”  This is the moment when I put myself out there and say that I am going to make my health coaching business something real and something big.

Sure the fact that I have been nervous is silly, ridiculous even.  Working with people is what I have always done and adding food and health to the mix makes absolute sense, given my passion for food and cooking and my fascination with many aspects of the food world and food culture.

And then it hit me: the fear is based on the fact that I am about to make a huge change.  A huge change, just like the huge changes my clients face when they sign up to work with me.   These are good changes, healthy changes, exciting changes.  But change, even when it is good, can be scary.

So this is really a moment of opportunity.  A moment to take a step back and recognize that fear.  Look at it and remember it.  Because this is what I am asking of the people I work with and having compassion for it will only make my approach more genuine.

So here I am.  I am here.  Welcome, Fear and Nervousness, meet my friends Excitement and Joy.

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