5 Steps to Cooking Efficiently (and how we’ve been doing it wrong all along)

5 Steps to Cooking Efficiently (and how we’ve been doing it wrong all along)

What’s the first thing you do when you start to cook? Do you pull out all the ingredients? Do you grab the pots and pans you will need? Do you call the pizza guy? For many people, the first step they think of when it comes to cooking is prepping all of the ingredients. Chopping…

Arugula and Radish Mini-Frittatas
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Arugula and Radish Mini-Frittatas

A while back I shared about my realization that one of my sons really, really needs protein in the morning in order to make it through until lunchtime and I shared some of my protein-packed breakfast items that were fitting the bill. That list has served us well, plus a good deal of eggs/egg sandwiches,…

Recipe Roundup: April Edition
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Recipe Roundup: April Edition

This month is kind of a wacky month for my recipe roundup because three of these recipes come from one cookbook: Ottolenghi’s Jerusalem: A Cookbook*. I have a complicated relationship with this cookbook. I love it because everything that I make from it comes out so well, the pictures are beyond beautiful, and the recipes…

Potato Skin Crisps and 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste
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Potato Skin Crisps and 4 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Waste

This month’s The Recipe Redux challenge is one that is near and dear to my heart (and actually a topic that you may have heard me talk about before): In honor of Earth Day on April 22, we’re challenging ReDux members to show how they reduce food waste. Whatever you would normally toss, use it…