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6 Winter Salads to Help You Survive ‘Til Spring

It’s Ground Hog Day! The day when we hear whether we are going to have an early spring or a late one. This is a day when I always roll my eyes, chuckle about how it isn’t really true, and then desperately want to know what the outcome was. Did the groundhog see his shadow?! Is spring on its way?!

I am sad to report, in case you didn’t hear, that, according to Punxsutawney Phil, we’ve got 6 more weeks of winter ahead of us. (womp, womp). So what does that mean for those of us who are sick of our sweaters, desperate for the sun, and eager to eat fresh produce? We’ve got to get creative!

Last week I shared my Wild Blueberry Flavor Burst Smoothie, which has been helping on the fruit front (even my 8-year-old smoothie-hating son liked it!), but what about the vegetables? I mean, I love soups and stews probably more than most people but even this veggie-fiend can get a little desperate…

So this week I reached out to some of my food blogger friends to ask them to share their favorite ways to get more vegetables in during the winter months and they all shared salad recipes!

Yes, I know. Salads can be tough at this time of year because we are feeling cold and the greens aren’t quite as plentiful or flavorful. But winter salads can turn it all around because they incorporate some of the best seasonal produce (root vegetables, citrus), warming cooking techniques (roasting, baking), and rich additions (cheese, bacon, etc.) to create delicious, nourishing salads that will absolutely satisfy you!

Are you feeling inspired yet?! Here are some great recipes to get you started:

Winter Kale Salad This salad from Sincerely Nourished has got it all! Some sweet, some savory, some crunch, and texture.

Tostada SaladThis is my lunch almost every day! I love how flexible it is–leftover roasted vegetables, whatever greens I have on hand, some cheese, and some avocado and I am set!

Cornbread Panzanella Salad with Roasted Beets from Key Ingredients is a salad that is a special meal in and of itself! I love the different textures and flavors she’s come up with here and a little something to make everyone happy (if you’re vegetarian, veggie bacon would be great here)!

Winter Citrus and Arugula Salad if the colors from this cheerful salad from C it Nutritionally don’t brighten your day, then we need to talk! This salad’s got protein, vitamin C for days, and arugula to pack a punch. Yum!

7 Ingredient Roasted Beet Salad Kroll’s Korner packs in the seasonal goodness with this awesome salad! I love how she has the sweet with the beets and the creamy-salty with the feta and then brings those flavors to life with lemon… perfection.

Wilted Kale Salad is one of my go-tos when I am craving greens but need the warmth. This takes almost no time to throw together and is packed with satisfying bits of flavor with the feta, walnuts, and cranberries thrown in.

Which salad are you going to try first? I’d love to hear about your favorite winter salad recipes, too!

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