Ways to Keep You Sane and Well Fed During the Blizzard (or any other times you are housebound)
If the forecasters are right, we here in the Washington, DC area are about to get socked with a blizzard that is expected to leave 2 feet of snow in its wake. This will likely shut things down around here in a big way for at least a day (probably more knowing this crazy city).
So as we all hunker down, here are some cooking and activity tips that might help you stay sane (and fed), even if you didn’t make it to the grocery store.
Keep Busy!
Make snowy treats! For kiddos juice or maple syrup are great, for us adults throwing in a little alcohol never hurt anyone…
Reorganize Your Kitchen! Do you have a drawer or cabinet that is driving you crazy? Have you been thinking about ways to make your kitchen more appealing? Why not try and put some easy changes into effect while you are stuck inside? Me? I’m planning on reorganizing my pantry so that the snack foods are more readily accessible for my kids who are now old enough to get their own snacks and my spices so that no more jars of cardamom come crashing down on my head.
Stock that Freezer!
This is a great time to fill up that freezer with breakfast goodies and easy-to-freeze staples so that the next few weeks are easier. Some good possibilities are:
Oven Pancakes
Sweet Potato Muffins
Baked Pasta (make one for dinner and one for the freezer)
Some more labor-intensive projects that you’ll be psyched to have once life gets back to normal:
Breakfast Pockets
Feeding Yourself with What You’ve Got
Now, what about those of you that didn’t brave the crazy lines in order to get the special ingredients to make your grandmother’s stew or your uncle’s secret chili? Here are some ideas of things to make with what you’ve already got in the house:
Got Eggs?
Spinach bites
Frittata with the vegetables you’ve got knocking around
Got Pasta?
Got beans?
Got a little bit of everything?
How are you planning on staying sane during the blizzard? Or, if you aren’t in blizzard land, which of these ideas might come in handy this weekend?