
Pineapple-Ginger Popsicles

While I grew up in a family where good food was highly valued and celebrated, from about age 7 on I had quite a tortured relationship with eating. I was incredibly self-conscious about my appearance (I was pretty overweight) and I worried about people judging me by the foods I was eating. This lasted well into my twenties (or even thirties). For me, the shift occurred when I started cooking more. Through cooking I began to shift the way I thought about food. It became less about control and negotiation (“if I have this last cookie, then tomorrow I won’t have anything ‘bad’ and I’ll be back on track”) and more about feeling satisfied and nourished.

For me, part of feeling fulfilled by the food I eat is to have some sort of sweet treat every day. Many times that treat is something that the old me would have considered unhealthy and would have regretted as soon as I ate it such as ice cream or cookies, but other times it is something along the lines of these amazing popsicles which contain nothing but healthiness. These are a sort of upgraded version of the all-fruit popsicles that I loved as a kid, but with no added sugar. They are sweet and creamy and have a nice kick from the ginger!

Note on the ginger: I have kept the ginger content pretty mellow in the recipe so that it is more kid-friendly, but if you like an added zip, then definitely feel free to up the ginger content!

pineapple ginger popsicle

So give these a try over the holiday weekend. They’d be a great fun and healthy way to kick off summer!

Pineapple-Ginger Popsicles

Jessica Braider
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 hours
Total Time 5 hours 5 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack


  • 1 can of no-sugar added pineapple chunks
  • ½ teaspoon freshly grated ginger


  • Put both ingredients in a blender and puree until very smooth (you want to make sure the fiber of the pineapple gets really broken down) and frothy. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for at least five hours.


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