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5 Recipes to Help You Stay Sane and Healthy During the Holiday Season

While this is a wonderful time of year for connecting with friends and loved ones, celebrating community, and giving gifts, it can also be a time of stress, rushing around, and sliding backwards when it comes to the foods we eat. For many of us, myself included, we can fall into the mindset of, “oh…


5 of My Favorite Cooking Gifts: Not too expensive gifts that can help make cooking more efficient and enjoyable

When I go to do kitchen and pantry evaluations with my clients, one of the things that they often complain about is that they don’t like to spend time in their kitchen. They find it stressful, cluttered, or too time consuming. What I tell my clients is that the secret to making cooking more enjoyable…

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Keeping Sane with the Daily Dinner Grind

In the past week or so there have been a number of articles floating around about the difficulties of cooking dinner every night. And let’s be honest, even for someone like me who loves to cook, there are days when I just don’t want to do it. I don’t want to have to think about…


Eat Your Greens! Ways to get more leafy green goodness into your life

When you hear leafy green vegetables mentioned what is the first thing you think of? Sad, limp steamed spinach? Bland broccoli? That thing that was on your plate as a kid that you either choked down to get it over with or pushed around your plate hoping that it would look like you ate some?…