7 Ways to Organize your Kitchen and Taking Chances
Today I did something that was completely terrifying to me: I made a live video on Periscope about how to organize your kitchen for efficient cooking. Making this video was something that I had been thinking about, talking about, and putting off for 10 months!! When I told people how nervous I was to do this they kept asking me why, especially since I am so comfortable with public speaking, and when I thought about it there were a number of reasons: I was intimidated by the technology, I was nervous about not being able to see the people I was talking to to gauge their reactions, and I was terrified that no one would watch. In short: I was scared of failing. But then a friend of mine changed my perspective. She said, “well, if no one shows up, then it won’t matter if you mess up or make a fool out of yourself, but at least you will have tried and can learn and do it better the next time.” So a week later (yes, it still took me a week), I jumped on and did it. It wasn’t perfect, there was some stumbling over words and lighting issues, but I did it… and some people (3) even watched!
In making this video I was stepping (way) outside of my comfort zone. I took a leap of faith and did it. And what I was reminded of through making this video is that sometimes just taking a small step can help to decrease the fear. Next time I go on Periscope I will still be nervous, but I won’t be as nervous. Next time I go on Periscope I will have a better sense for what works and what doesn’t work. And the time after that it will get a little easier and then a little easier again.
As I was thinking about this experience I realized that my feelings were very similar to what a lot of my clients feel as they start to cook more. It is scary and unknown. They worry they will fail by making a terrible dish or something that the family won’t eat. What I tell my clients is that it is ok to fail. I make terrible food sometimes and sometimes my kids won’t eat what I make, but I learn from these failures, perhaps even more than I learn from the successes. Oh, and there is always PB&J.
So given this big breakthrough for me, I wanted to share with you the tips that I shared on my video today, tips on how to organize your kitchen so that you can cook more quickly and efficiently, in the hopes that maybe it will inspire you to take a small step towards cooking more.
- Before starting to cook, make sure that your sink and dish rack (and dishwasher) are clear so that you can clean as you go.
- Make pots and pans (especially those you use frequently) as accessible as possible.
- If you have the counter space, keep cooking utensils in crocks on the counter, near the stove.
- Keep spices in a cool, dark spot as close to the stove as possible. A lazy susan is helpful for accessibility.
- Keep knives and other tools you use a lot accessible.
- Onions and garlic should be in plain sight, whenever possible, you will need them almost every time you cook!
- Keep your favorite recipes nearby for easy reference.
If you like these tips and/or if this story resonated with you and your reluctance to cook, then join my 10-Day Cooking Challenge! We start this coming Wednesday and the Challenge is specifically designed to help you make these smalls steps so that you can find success and inspiration in quick and efficient cooking!